One of our objectives for our encorepreneur! Breakfast series is to introduce our guests to businesses, schools, museums, churches and other places they might not otherwise visit. Another is to highlight deserving organizations and venues to our audience of leaders of the RVA community.
We have visited more than 65 different locations in the RVA area, and we are very grateful for the hospitality of our hosts. We have plans for a number of new locations in the next year, and we expect to revisit some of our favorites.
However, we are always on the lookout for new places to visit.
If you know of a location that might be interested in hosting a visit in the future, please take a look at the information below and contact us if you would like to schedule a phone call or a visit.
Our breakfasts typically are attended by about 175-225 people and begin at 7:30 am and end before 9:00 am. We usually have bagels, pastries and coffee supplied by an outside vendor (usually Panera Catering). On some occasions, our hosts provide the refreshments, but it is certainly not required.
Following are typical requirements for a breakfast. However, please consider them general guidelines and note that we are most interested in providing a good experience for our guests, and we will be glad to work with hosts to overcome any difficulties.